Friday, September 27, 2013

Fall, Fall and more Fall...

Our kinders have been enjoying looking for signs of fall and have been asking lots of questions this week.  Today we made homemade applesauce with Madame and the room smelled great!  This afternoon we made fall colours palydough.  We made red and yellow but the kinders were very concerned that we had left orange out.  They got a nice surprise when they started mixing the playdough together.  Also, here's a link to our new favourite seasons song that we've been singing this week.
Have a great weekend and enjoy the beautiful weather!

Thursday, September 26, 2013

Our Nature Walk

Today we were hunting for signs of Fall.  We walked around the school and found things like leaves, sticks, flowers, bugs and berries!  Here are some photos of our adventure.  Stay tuned to see what we do with our Fall findings!

Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Scholastic Book Orders....

Scholastic book orders are going home in your kinders mailbags today!  It is a monthly booklet that offers you some great book and educational games at a low cost.  We received the booklets late so September AND October are together this month.  Scholastic is a great way to contribute to our classroom.  The more orders we get the more coupons and bonuses we receive that go towards buying books for our classroom.  if you are interested this month please have your orders (put them in their mailbags and we'll get them) back to us by Thursday, October 10th. We usually receive the book orders from scholastic within a week or so. Thank you!


Pizza orders AND Lunch Lady orders are due this Friday, September 27th.  Let us know Thursday if you are intersted but did NOT receive a form.  Also, an activity fee of $30 (cash or cheque payable to St. Anne)  is due as soon as possible.  Thanks!

Monday, September 23, 2013

Our First Inquiry!!

September has been a busy month so far!  We've been spending a lot of time getting to know each other and we've recently discovered a race car/track inquiry.  The race cars are a popular area of our room and one morning S. had a wonderful idea!  He suggested that we design and build our own race track mat.   We got busy designing and by the end of learning centres we had a great track to play on. We even displayed it on our inquiry board for parents to see at the welcome back pizza night.  Since then we've been designing cars, painting with cars and learning letters using our race track letters.  Here are some pictures of what has been developing!

Sunday, September 22, 2013


Welcome to Mrs. Logan and Mrs. Meredith's 2013-2014 kindergarten class blog.  Here you will be able to see what is going on in our classroom.  Inquiries, guest speakers, field trips, special activities or things the kinders want to share will be found on this blog.  Reminders and special announcements may also be posted here so make sure you check in often with your kindergarten to see whats going on.  Throughout the year we will be embarking on many inquiries so if you have something that would enhance or extend the learning (book, special guest idea, etc..) please let us know.  We are very excited about the upcoming year and look forward to a great learning partnership.

Mrs. Logan, Mrs. Meredith and Mrs. C