Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Check the Mail.....

Check your kinders mailbag for your schoool photos.  Please note that retakes orders are not in yet.  Every kinder received a class photo regardless of ordering.  We tried our best to make sure they got home in good condition :)


See Saw and Elf scholastic orders came in today.  The kinders were so excited that we sent home what was received today.  If you ordered from the Holiday books order they are on their way and we should have them early next week at the latest.  Thank you for your patience.  December scholastic orders will go home next week so if you are intersted in christmas presents we can make sure the orders come back in time for the break. 


*Lunch Lady hoiliday special orders are due Friday November 29th.
*Library books are due back Friday November 29th  Please!


Please make sure your childs name is written on ALL articles of clothing (Especially Hats, mittens, scarves, books, snowpants and coats).  We deal with 28 of everything and do not always know what belongs to who so writing thier name is extremely helpful!  We already have many articles in our class lost and found bin that have no name and have not been claimed.  Next week we will post pictures of these articles and you can write to us if anything looks familiar. 

Thank you!
Mrs. Logan, Mrs. Meredith, Mrs. C and Madame :)

Snowmen Love Writing Activity

The impending storm has us thinking about snowmen!! Today we did a writing activity where the kinder chose some winter words or sentences to write on the snowman.  We love practicing our writing!  See below for some pictures. 

Thursday, November 21, 2013

Anti-Bullying Week Update

Today we are wearing gold ribbons around our wrist to remind us of the golden rule. Treat others the way we would like to be treated.  Its a great visual for the kinders to see and use as this reminder.  Tomorrow is crazy sock day to help us "sock it to bullying".  Wear your craziest socks!!  Tomorrow is our WITS assembly.  Here are some pictures of our ribbons as we proudly wear them :)

Wednesday, November 20, 2013


Upon hearing about our post office one of our kinder moms brought in some stamps for us to look at. They were a great addition to our new light panel and the kinders loved looking at the different stamps. Some were so curious about them that we did some research to find out how old they were and where they came from.  It was a great activity! Thanks to E's mom for the stamps.

Anti-bullying week!

This week is anti-bullying week.  We've been doing lots of great activities all week.  On Monday we said the St. Anne anti bully pledge and signed the poster at the front of the school.  Yesterday we read books on how to use our WITS.  Information about this program went home in mail bags on Tuesday.  We also made our own stand up to bullying poster and put it in the hallway for everyone to see.  Also, we had special visitor Wally the Walrus come in for some cuddles.  He is our WITS mascot.   Today we talked about hurtful vs. helpful and how our actions have consequences and added them to our anti bullying board.  See pictures of our week so far below and stay tuned for Thursdays and Fridays activities!

Post Office

This week we opened our very own kindergarten post office.  We spent last week planning what we would need, writing letters to "mail" and setting it all up.  We even have a letter writing station inside our post office. See some pictures below :)

Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Library Time

Monday was our first trip to the library as a class.  Our new librarian, Mrs. Szeideman, read us a wonderful story and then we were able to choose one book to sign out.  Our library trips will be every secoond Monday so we are asking for books to come back the Friday before our next trip.  Please have the current library books back to school by Friday November 29th.  If you would rather send it back when your kinder is done with it you are welcome to.  They will be put in our book bin awaiting its rerturn to the library.   Thanks!
Cat Sleeping on a Stack of Booksgraphic from www.mycutegraphics.com

Thursday, November 14, 2013

Alphabet Soup

We were very busy on Tuesday making "alphabet soup" in our water bin.  We started with some broth (Food colouring and water) then added alphabet noodles (Sponges with uppercase and lowercase letters on them) then added some delicious vegetables (plastic).  Then we added spoons, laddles and bowls and we were ready to go! See the pictures below!