Thursday, February 27, 2014

Happy Birthday Dr. Seuss!

Sunday is Dr. Seuss' birthday, and to celebrate we will be reading his books all next week.  We are asking the kinders to bring in any Dr.  Seuss books they have at home so we get a wide variety.  Please send the books in with your kinders name in them and we will make sure they are in a safe place for the week.  Thank you for your help! 

Mrs. Logan and Mrs. Meredith

Tuesday, February 25, 2014


This week we re closing up our olympic inquiry.  Yesterday, we made olympic torches just like the one from the closing ceremonies. Here are some pictures!

Monday, February 24, 2014

Check The Mail.....

Scholastic orders went home today!  They are due back to us by Monday, March 3rd.  Thank you for your continued support with our scholastic program.  Every time you order we are able to buy books for the classroom!  Thanks you!


If you received a yellow form in your kinders mailbag, it means that their library book is due back ASAP!  Thank you :)

Thursday, February 20, 2014

Rocks and Rings

Today, we had a special gym class presented by Rocks and Rings.  The kinders had a great time learning about curling.  We loved it so much that we decided to make our own Curling "rink" during centres this afternoon.  Here are some pics.  You can see more on the phys. ed. blog :)

Kindergarten Olympic Day Cancelled :(

Due to tomorrows predicted weather, we have cancelled Kindergarten Olympic Day.  Thank you to those who volunteered!  Next week we will plan some Olympic activities for our class to make it up to the kinders. 

Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Kindness Week

This week is kindness week and we have been doing lots of activities that provoke kindness and teach the kinders how to be kind to each other.  We have been reading stories and having many discussions on how to be kind.  Yesterday, we came up with a bunch of kind words and phrases.  Ones that would put a smile on our faces if we read them.  Today, we wrote those things on pretty paper and anonymously posted them around the school.  This activity promoted kindness and empathy by having the children think about how others will feel when they see these notes.  It also helped the kinders understand that we don't just do acts of kindness for recognition.  We had so much fun writing the notes and even more fun hanging them up for people to find.  We have some very sneaky friends!!  Here are some pictures!

Olympic Mania

has taken over our inquires!! The kinders have been having lots of fun following the events, keeping track of medals for Canada and other countires, and pretending they are athletes.  The Winter Olympics in Sochi have provided us with opportunites to practice writing, addition and subtraction, classification and showing kindness towards the athletes.  Here are some pictures of our Olympic boards we have been working hard on! (Pictures are yesterdays totals)


*  Page 3 of your kinders report card and the envelope are due back to us A.S.A.P please!
*  Thursday is twin day
*  Friday (weather permitting) is Kindergaten Olympic day.  Please send your kinder dressed for the weather since we will be outside most of the afternoon


Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Sochi 2014

The kinders are crazy about the Winter Olympics! Every morning we get updates from a very excited group!  We have started keeping track of Canada's medals and we are going to add Russia and some other countries we are familiar with.  Daily events will also be posted  so we can keep track of our athletes.   Take a look at the Olympic posters we made today below and stay tuned for more Olympics!

Monday, February 10, 2014

Valentine's Day!!!

Valentine's day is fast approaching and we are getting ready with our valentine gift/bake shop, chocolate playdough and by making our special valentine bags.  If your kinder would like to hand out valentine cards to their friends they are more than welcome to on Friday.   We ask that you only write who the valentine is from so we can distribute them faster and make sure no one feels left out.  We have 28 kinders who are very excited!  Thank you for your cooperation.

Thursday, February 6, 2014

National Sweater Day

Today we turned down the heat and got our sweaters out.  Congrats to A.A and C.P who represented our class in the finals!  Take a look at their cozy sweaters below!   We also kept warm by drinking some hot chocolate this afternoon!  Happy National Sweater Day!

Wednesday, February 5, 2014


* Scholastic orders are due Friday

* Milk orders are due Tuesday, February 11th

*  Tomorrow (Thursday) is sweater day!  The heat will be turned down so make sure your kinder is in a cozy sweater!

Extending our learning on slush......

At circle time we all came together to talk about what happened at the science table.  We had a great talk about temperature and freezing.  W.T. had the wonderful idea to freeze the slush to see what will happened. Stay tuned for that tomorrow.  Another kinder mentioned that the slush reminded them of snow cones, so this afternoon we set up a snow cone station.  We were able to explore slush even more while watching colours mixing together.  Here are the messy pictures!

Exploring Slush

Yesterday the kinders became very curious about slush while we were talking about snow.  This morning we added a big bucket of snow to a bin of water.  We noticed how the snow absorbed the water and turned it into slush.  We also noticedl how the water got cold and this was causing the snow to stay slushy and not melt.  KK discovered that the slush was heavier than the snow.  We had a great time making discoveries about slush!! Take a look at the pictures below!