Tuesday, October 15, 2013

How many cubes tall is our pumpkin???

Today we used our predicting skills to guess how many cubes tall our class pumpkin is.  We compared one cube and the pumpkin as a visual to help us make our predictions.  We decided as a class the our would not include the stem in our measurements.  During our learning circle the kinders gave guesses of 3 cubes to 50 cubes.  Here's how the process unfolded!

E is making his prediction after seeing the pumpkin and one cube

We were able to compare what one cube looked like next to our pumpkin.  This helped us make our predictions!

Here is our measuring with cubes centre where we tested our predictions!

M and K are stacking the cubes

M is counting the cubes

Our pumpkin was 11 cubes tall!!

L. is drawing the pumpkin and 11 cubes

Here's a sample of M's work