Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Flower Science

This week we were magicians and made flowers turn blue!! Well, kinda.  We saw a cool experiment during a clip we were watching about plants.  Since we love science we decided to give it a try.  To conduct our experiment we needed white flowerS, a vase, food colouring (we used blue) and some water.

Here some of the conversation that we had about our experiment...

Mrs. M "what are we doing in this experiment?"
M:  "we are turning flowers blue"
Mrs. M: "how are we going to turn our white flowers blue?"
M: "we're going to put water in the vase, and then lots of food colouring, put the flowers in, then wait."
Mrs. M:  "how long do you think it will take to turn our white flowers blue?"
M.G: "the whole morning"
J.R: "15 seconds"
M: "15 minutes"
L.W: "16 minutes"
C.H: "a whole night"
Mrs. M: "What is our Hypothesis?"
L.W: " The ones in the water will be white, the others will turn blue."

We watched our flowers for  the rest of the day.  at 3:00 we noticed that some of the white petals had specks of blue.  By Friday there were lots of specks.  We decided to leave them over the weekend to see how blue they would get.  Monday morning the petals we slightly blue with lots of blue specks!  Take a look at our pictures below!